Google Customer Reviews
Did you know that the pilgrims actually used lobsters for fertilizer?
That's right! Lobsters were so plentiful during low tides, pilgrims easily harvested them by hand and ground them into fertilizer for corn fields, can you imagine lol!
LOBSTER FACT: Did you know that it takes about 7 years for a lobster to grow to 1 pound (the approximate legal size)?
This king of the CRUSTACEAN family has a jointed body and limbs covered with a hard shell. The most popular variety in the United States is the Maine lobster, also called American lobster. It has 5 pairs of legs, the first of which is in the form of large, heavy claws (which contain a good amount of meat). Maine lobsters are found off the Atlantic coast and are caught as far south as the deep offshore water Canyons from Virginia north thru the coastal waters of New England and out to the deep waters of Georges banks, The Gulf of Maine on up into Canada And Newfoundland!
Maine lobsters have a closely related European cousin that lives in Mediterranean and South African waters and along Europe's Atlantic coast. Spiny lobsters (commonly called rock lobsters ) are found in waters off Florida, Southern California, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. They're easily distinguished from the Maine lobster by the fact that all 10 of their legs are about the same size. Almost all of the meat is in the tail because the spiny lobster has no claws. That meat is firmer, stringier and not quite as sweet as that of the Maine lobster. (We'll stick with Maine Lobsters by the way!)
Outside California and Florida, most of the spiny lobster meat sold in this country is in the form of frozen tails, usually labeled "rock lobster tails." Live lobsters have a mottled shell splotched with various colors, generally greenish blue and reddish brown. Their shell turns vivid red only after the lobster is cooked.
Fresh lobsters are available year round. Maine Lobsters come in various sizes offered to you here at Lobsterguy.com
We catch our live lobsters, sort and grade them for size and quality then keep them in our specially designed refrigerated tanks at about 36'F (this allows the lobsters to remain in their natural cool habitat) and they are ready for shipment. Every lobster you order from LobsterGuy.com will be shipped "ice cold" in Styrofoam containers with icy cold gel packs. We suggest you cook your lobsters the day you receive them, but If you decide not to cook your lobsters upon arrival, they will be fine stored in your cold refrigerator overnight...remove them from their shipping box and store them in your crisper right side up, you can put the packing paper and gel packs on top as well Do NOT store your lobsters in water or mishandle them, cold and dry in the refrigerator is best!